Why We Choose Java as the Technological Core of BM4A

Java plays a central role in our technical framework. Our backend infrastructure relies on a variety of Java-based tools and libraries, including Spring Boot, Keycloak, PostgreSQL, and more.

But why did we choose Java, and why can you trust this decision? Let’s break it down in simpler terms.

The backend infrastructure of BM4A relies on Java-based enterprise libraries, well-known frameworks, and readily available open-source tools.

  • Backend: Java 17, Spring Boot 3.x.

  • Identity Manager: Keycloak 22.x.

  • Database: PostgreSQL 16.x, MySQL, MSSQL, H2 DB, etc.

  • Message broker: RabbitMQ, Redis.

  • Analytics: Apache SuperSet.

  • Search Engine: Elasticsearch, Apache Solr.

  • Secret Manager: Vault.

  • Build: Gradle, Maven.

  • Etc.

This method gives us all the power of Java, helping use everything it offers. No matter what kind of web app we’re making, our tech setup is chosen to meet all our needs.

Why Trust Our Choice?

How BM4A’s Custom Application Development Works


Faster Development

The BM4A solution makes software development faster by combining startup speed with enterprise-grade quality.


Java’s Flexibility

Java lets us start with a basic version (MVP) and a simple monolithic structure that can evolve into a more complex one (microservices) if needed.


Solid Foundation

Even in the early stages of development, we can focus on key aspects like security, internationalization, testing, etc., laying a strong groundwork for future versions.


Supportive Community

With a vast Java community, we’re assured of continuous support and access to a wide range of open-source tools.


Experience and Predictability

Drawing from our extensive experience, we rely on proven solutions to estimate development efforts accurately, avoiding risky or untested technologies.


Flexible Deployment

Java allows us to offer flexible deployment options, including cloud and on-premise setups, tailored to suit your application’s specific needs.


Track Record

With over 20 years of development experience and numerous successful projects, we have confidence in our abilities to deliver on our promises.

In summary, Java’s flexibility, strength, and large community support make it perfect for BM4A. We stick to what works and have a history of successful projects. So, you can be confident that Java is the right foundation for BM4A’s innovation and development.

Let’s Connect: Reach out to Us Today!

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